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5 Reasons Why Elderly And Handicap Scooters Are Designed To Be Slow

April 26, 2021 8 min read

5 Reasons Why Elderly And Handicap Scooters Are Designed To Be Slow

When shopping for mobility scooters, you’ll notice that many are slow-moving. This unhurried pace is common in these tools as it prolongs their lifespan. Below you’ll find more information about why they’re slow and some ways you can quicken their momentum.  

3 Types of Mobility Scooters

There are a variety of elderly and handicap scooters you can invest in. Here are three frequently used types.

1. Three-Wheel

Three-wheel scooters have two wheels at its rear and one wheel in the front. They are best for indoor usage and are the most affordable. 

2. Four-Wheel

This scooter has two sets of wheels in the front and back. It has better stability than a three-wheel scooter. It's also equipped with hand brakes and a large floorboard. You can use most four-wheel scooters indoors and outdoors. 

3. All-Terrain

All-terrain scooters are built for outdoor rides. They absorb vibrations better and have a higher weight limit. 

5Reasons Why Elderly and Handicap Scooters Are Slow

1. To Prevent Injuries

The main reason why mobility scooters are slow is to avert injuries. Many times, users won’t have the best balance. If the scooter goes too fast, it could cause them to fall. 

To stay safe, most scooters will go no more than four miles per hour. This speed will help you easily turn and move through narrow spaces. 

For extra safety, mobility scooters add armrests. This will keep you secure on the seat and prevent you from shifting. The stability will ensure you can safely drive your device at an unhurried speed.   

Another setting many have is electromagnetic brakes. These brakes use magnets and electrical currents to stop your vehicle. They tend to work faster which allows you to stop instantly. This braking system also won’t let the scooter budge if it senses a problem. Rather than bringing the scooter to a sudden stop, they will gradually wind it down. This matches with the slow speed and can protect you from falling. 

If you’re nervous about the speed, you could add other safety features to it. One is a seat strap. This will keep you secure to its cushion. If you happen to turn too quickly or go up an incline, it will keep your body stable. 

2. To Keep the Motor Healthy

A slow scooter also stops the motor from burning out. If the engine isn’t built for excessive use, it could break. This means you’ll need to buy yet another expensive model. 

Most motors will last about five years. If you keep your scooter in good shape, it could last you a few years more. 

There are a handful of things you can do to keep the motor functioning correctly. 

Clean It

You’ll want to clean your mobility scooter often. This will remove dust and other particles that could sneak into its interior. If they coat the motor, they will ruin its delicate pieces. 

Put it in Storage When Not Needed

While it’s tempting to keep your scooter out, it’s best to put it into storage. This might be a hassle for some, but it will keep the device out of direct sunlight. It will also protect the machine from cold temperatures. 

Take it in for Maintenance 

Regular maintenance will safeguard your scooter from various issues. It also helps you keep an eye on the motor. A technician will inform you of its current status and if you should replace it. 

3. To Support Your Weight

A slow scooter could also be to accommodate different weights. Most of these devices can hold anywhere from 200-500 pounds. If they move too quickly, it could wear out the engine. This is because it’s trying to move the scooter while hauling your weight. A slow scooter encourages proper weight distribution. 

4. To Avert Tire Damage

Another reason these scooters are slow is to stop potential tire damage. If the tires are pierced, they will deflate or make the ride bumpy. This can put pressure on the axles which can overwhelm the motor. 

Mobility scooter tires are either air-filled or solid. 


Air-filled tires rely on air pressure to keep them strong. They connect to a small valve stem. This allows you to pump fresh air into them. 


Solid tires are thick pieces of foam covered by rubber. Because of this, they won’t deflate. Unlike air-filled tires, they don’t adapt well to rugged terrains. This could make you jolt a bit as you move. 

If the scooter goes too fast, it could pop the tires. It might also make it tricky for you to turn the device away from potholes or debris. By making them move slowly, you’ll have a better reaction time. 

5. To Follow Laws

Sometimes a slow speed could be to follow laws. Manufacturers must obey certain guidelines based on where their products will be sold. 

In certain districts, scooters will be sorted into categories. If they’re not allowed on roads, they can’t exceed five miles per hour. This is to protect both you and pedestrians. 

Because they’re slower, you don’t need to have a license to drive them. But, if they go faster than five miles per hour, you will need to carry one. Instead of being a mobility scooter, they will be considered a recreational one. 

Why Is My Mobility Scooter Going Slow?

While many mobility scooters are created to go slow, sometimes it could be due to other reasons. Your mobility scooter might be moving slowly due to: 

  • A faulty brake
  • An old motor
  • You’ve exceeded its weight limit 
  • It’s working through harsh environmental conditions 

Some scooters might also be slow because that’s their design. If the model is only to be used indoors, it will go much slower than one that’s built for the outdoors. 

Mobility Scooter Costs

A mobility scooter can surprisingly be a little expensive to operate. While you might need to purchase accessories, most of the cost is toward battery charging. 

Each mobility scooter charge will cost about $0.23. 

This cost isn’t much, but it could add up over time. So, you’ll want to be diligent when charging your scooter. You can do this by only charging it at night or installing an energy-efficient battery. 

How Many Miles Will a Mobility Scooter Go?

Your mobility scooter mileage will depend on the model you own. On average, they will venture about 15-20 miles before you need to recharge them. 

How Long Do Mobility Scooter Batteries Last? 

Most mobility scooter batteries will last about two years. Scooter overexertion could cause them to wear out faster though. 

Common Mobility Scooter Battery Problems

While mobility scooter batteries are well-built, they sometimes come into issues. Some of the most frequent are: 

  • Leakage
  • Disconnected terminals
  • Worn-out parts

You can prevent them by taking care of your scooter. Some ways you can protect the batteries include:

  • Putting a cover over the scooter when it’s not running.
  • Keeping it out of direct sunlight.
  • Not going over the scooter’s weight limit. 

Mobility scooter battery charger problems are also common. Many times, these concerns are due to an old charger that you need to exchange. 

How Fast Can a Scooter Go?


On average, these mobility appliances will move anywhere from 4-10 miles per hour. In certain situations, they will go much faster. A few can reach speeds up to 20 miles per hour. These speedy selections are meant for the outdoors. 

How to Speed Up Your Mobility Scooter

To improve the acceleration of your device, try a mobility scooter speed adjustment. Below are tips you can use. 

Change the Battery

One thing you might need to do is change the scooter’s battery. If it’s old or leaking, it will affect how well your device works. 

Before you remove the battery, test to confirm that it’s the problem, not anothercomponent. 

To do a battery test, you can use a multimeter. This device will check the current voltage in it. By doing this, you can see if the voltage corresponds to the battery’s specifications. If not, you’ll have to replace it. 

If you need to change the battery, first turn the scooter off and open the battery box. This will either be in the scooter’s front panel or beneath the seat. To determine the right location, refer to your user’s manual. 

After you open the box, remove the top plugs from the battery. If there are other connecting wires, carefully unfasten them. Once you’ve made sure it’s disconnected, lift it out. 

Take the battery and click it into place. Check that the terminals correctly line up. You can then reconnect the wires. 

Add Another Battery

Instead of removing the battery, you might need to add another one. This will boost its speed because it will double the voltage. 

To insert a second battery, put it next to the pre-existing one. Then, take the positive and negative wire ends and connect them to this new piece. When you’ve made sure they have the same charge, you can turn your scooter on. 

This is an intricate method, so you need to be careful. Because you’re working with electrical wires, one wrong move could be a hazard to you. If you don’t connect them correctly, you could also destroy your scooter. 

Always make sure that the new battery matches the requirements of the current one. If it doesn’t, it could blow a fuse. 

Also, ensure that the new battery is fully charged. If it isn’t, it will create a fluctuating power level. This could confuse the engine and damage it.  

Remove the Speed Limiter

To keep the scooter at a certain mileage, they usually have a speed limiter. This is built into the engine and will stop it from going over a certain amount. While this is a helpful safety feature, it can also be a little aggravating if you want to go faster. 

If you prefer to speed up your device, you can remove the mobility scooter speed controller. 

First, look at your user’s manual to find where this section is situated. Usually, it’s near the battery. Once you find it, simply pull the speed limiter out of its slot. This will disconnect it from the motor. 

After you detach it, slide the front panel back in place and turn your scooter on. Carefully take it for a test drive. You should notice it moving slightly faster than before. 

Keep in mind that the speed limiter varies on scooter models. If you pull the wrong wire or misplace it, it could cause trouble. To prevent this, it might be ideal to visit your scooter supplier who can assist you. 

Be aware that removing your speed limiter could also wear out the motor. Because the model is built around it, the motor could be unable to keep up with the sudden change. This will cause it to start malfunctioning. You’ll want to go slow and not overdo the speed. 

Change the Tires

Sometimes the tires could be to blame for a slow scooter. If they’re worn or have punctures, they will decrease its speed. This is because they will create resistance. Your scooter will have to work harder to move which can make it operate slower than normal. 

To fix this,change the tires. Your scooter supplier can help with this. They have a stock of mobility tires and can exchange them. Often, this job is covered by the warranty. 

You could also remove the tires yourself. First, make sure the replacement options match your model’s requirements. If they’re too big or small, they will damage the scooter. 

Take a drill or screwdriver and use it to loosen the tire bolts. Gently slide the tires off. Once all are removed, push the new ones onto the axles. You can use the old bolts to secure them or invest in new ones. 


Elderly and handicap scooters are slow to protect users and the engine. If necessary though, they can be adjusted to faster speeds. 

Everlasting Mobility offers scooters that cater to a variety of needs. These models can help you stay independent and move around with ease. 

Everlasting Mobility
Everlasting Mobility