A manual Wheelchair is a strong all-around choice for individuals with mobility problems. Besides, they are fold-able, transportable, and simple to use.
Manual wheelchairs are intended to be solid and agreeable. Some people think of them as short-term mobility remedies. most individuals use them as their basic personal transportation methods.
This guide discusses the wheelchair purchasing process. The article notes a couple of common posed inquiries to featuring the most famous manual wheelchairs. It also includes the best alternatives for seniors, and how to choose if a wheelchair is ideal for you.
Today’s market includes a wide range of wheelchairs. The most common types of these mobility options for the disabled include;
- Standard wheelchair
- Lightweight wheelchair
- Rigid ultra-light wheelchair
- Tilt in space wheelchair
- Reclining wheelchair
Each of these wheelchair types is unique. In that, the qualities, features, use, and benefits differ from one type to another. Read this section to understand the similarities and differences of these models.
Are you looking for a self-propelled wheelchair but don’t want to remain seated for long duration's? If so,the standard wheelchair can be an ideal choice to invest in. Mostly, these models feature swing-away footrest and folding frames. Standard Weight wheelchairs weigh between 35 lbs. to 45 lbs.
Enjoy extra stability with this chair’s large rear wheel. You’ll need a chair rider, caregiver, or even a companion to push you while on the chair.
Thestandard wheelchairs are ideal for traveling because you can fold and carry them in your van or car. Choose a standard chair if you need a powerful wheelchair for both outdoor and indoor use. Besides, it a reasonable long-term and short-term transportation solution.
This type of wheelchairs features different seat size width that can hold your weight well. The smaller your wheelchair, the faster it raises, loads and gets into your vehicle. Wheelchairs show up with many types of weight. (Note: The smaller the wheelchair, the most it costs.)
By encouraging the person to change his position by tilting the wheelchair, these chairs can reduce the chance of pressure sores. Such wheelchairs often appear to be convenient.Tilting Wheelchairs avoid serious health problems such as pressure sores. In that, they encourage the disabled person to shift the seat position to a more comfortable environment.
Lightweight wheelchairs are ideal for more daily usage, or when patients make unique options. Frame weights drop below 35 lbs; stock features include foldable panels, desk or full-length armrests, and adjustable footrests for swingaways.
Rigid Ultra-Light Wheelchair
They’re built with a view to efficiency enhancement for the active person. Inthese extremely light chairs efficiency is dramatically increased, as the solid structure converts all the strength from the wheel's drive into forwarding motion.
Reclining Wheelchair
They’re specifically designed to allow a person to recline safely and comfortably at gradual angles. You can use areclining wheelchair for accommodating severe contractures of hip extension, orthostatic hypotension, and re-distribution of pressure to prevent skin breakdown.
Do you need a wheelchair?
When you can't walk unassisted and can manage just a few steps before you need to stop, then this wheelchair can be beneficial to you. Do you need to travel or visit a friend or family member? Similarly, you may need it if you find it hard even with help to travel long distances.
If you are struggling to walk alone and find that you could benefit from a wheelchair, you can present your mobility issues to your doctor first. The doctor may assess the conditions at the visit and may recommend a wheelchair for you.
What are the qualifications for a wheelchair?
"A wheelchair qualification" is a term used to define specific wheelchair conditions. A specialist is the one who determines the conditions. A doctor also checks if you meet the requirements of your insurance provider to reimburse your wheelchair expenses.
To apply for a wheelchair, you need to prove the doctor you have limited mobility. The doctor also ensures you're mentally capable of operating an unassisted wheelchair. You can apply for a wheelchair if your limited mobility interferes with everyday tasks. They range from moving around your house to performing essential functions such as getting dressed up.
You need be capable of various options to use a wheelchair. Ensure you can sit and help yourself unassisted, handle the controls to maneuver properly, and be able to get in and out of it.
Your doctor will check your personal need for a wheelchair by determining the limits on movement. The specialist also verifies whether you believe you will gain from a wheelchair. Your doctor will decide during your examination that you meet the requirements for the wheelchair.
Do I need a prescription for a wheelchair?
You won't need any prescription to use or buy a wheelchair. The explanation you'd need a wheelchair medication is if you're going to use a health plan to offset the wheelchair expenses.
If your need for a wheelchair has been decided by a specialist, then you may qualify for insurance coverage. The provider may assist with the costs of that wheelchair. To get insurance coverage, a doctor's prescription will be needed.